One week later it was Chinese rally time! Again in the Mini for obvious reason. This year the event used the same chinese restaurant as last year which has a rather unusual buffet that includes chips, meatballs and Mc Nugget lookalikes. Tasted good though! Only two entrants from the UK this time. A bit disapointing but with Stoneleigh the day after we didn't expect many more. Luckily Team Wake and Bishop kept the CT tradition high and got in trouble on the way up to the rally. Why break a good tradition! Colins windscreen got smashed in Hoek v Holland. A quick phonecall to Bert Boevee sourced a new screen and seal. Bert lives not far from Hoek so that was a big advantage. They made it just in time for the start. We also had our troubles on the way up as the Mini bottomed out at the rear on a bumpy motorway section. We had to stop and remove the rear wheel arch extension as it came loose. The wheel clearance issue followed us during the rally. Many speedbumps (drempels) slowed us down a lot. The Mini has so little (none) suspension travel that I had to drive very carefully. Els did an excellent job on the navigation, giving perfect directions. Unfortunately she got sick again and we deceided to call it a day at the halfway point. So we went straight back to the hotel where we enjoyed some rather nice beers.
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